Important - Please read these terms and conditions of Clutch Gone Automatic Driving Lesson in Bristol along with the privacy policy and code of conduct
1. Training/Qualification/License
I am a fully qualified Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) and as such permitted to give driving instruction in accordance with the government body, the Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). My licence/badge issued by the DVSA will be permanently displayed at all times during driving tuition for my business.
2. Legalities and Pre-Requisites
i) Prior to starting lessons you (You/ Your/ the pupil /the client is the person receiving driving tuition) must hold a valid provisional or full drivers license which I must have sight of on your first lesson
ii) Prior to your first lesson or sometimes at the start of your first lesson I will have you produce a check code that confirms your license validity
iii) If you do have driving endorsements or points etc on your license you agree to make me aware of this immediately. These do not stop you beginning lessons but I must be made aware. In addition if you collect any further license penalties after beginning lessons you agree to notify me immediately
iv) It is a legal requirement that your eyesight is good enough to drive and this requirement is being able to read a registration plate at 20.5metres away. This will also happen on the day of your driving test. If you fail this eyesight check you are simply not legally permitted to drive so unfortunately the first lesson will be cancelled and in addition you will still have to pay for the lesson
v) Prescription medication - There are a number of medicines that while not having to be declared to DVLA you must inform me of and additionally any changes to quantities your medications. This is because they can have a significant affect on driving and reaction times. The following drugs must be divulged to me at the start of lessons or whenever a prescription you have for them changes
Amphetamine, Clonazepam, Diazepam, Flunitrazepam, Lorazepam, Methedone, Morphine or other opiate painkilling medicine such as codeine or tramadol, Oxazepam or Temazepam
vi) You agree to notify me of any change, medical or otherwise regarding your right or capacity to drive
vii) You agree that any penalties or endorsements gathered by you when driving my car are your legal responsibility
viii) You agree that I will not be held liable towards you the pupil for any injury or any loss or damage to personal possessions. This does not affect your statutory rights
ix) A dashcam operates during lessons for the sole purpose of safety, security and possible training needs. These recordings may sometimes be downloaded in the event of accident or training need but not kept any longer than the capacity (days/hours that the internal SD card allows) No sound is recorded by this device. You consent to me using this video capture device during lessons.
3.Your lessons
i) All lessons are two hours minimum. You agree that the lesson location especially in the early stages is at my discretion based on time of day and local knowledge to reduce stress and ensure safety of all road users. Additionally this will often necessitate me driving the vehicle to those areas which will obviously reduce lesson time but this driving will form part of the lesson. You consent to the driving time that this requires.
ii) If you're not ready and waiting for your booked lesson at the pre agreed meeting place I will wait 15 minutes for you. If after 15 minutes I have not heard from you I will leave and you consent to me charging you for the lesson
iii) If I expect to be delayed by more than 15 minutes I will endeavor to contact you to inform you of the delay. From time to time road conditions I cannot control may delay me. If I’m going to be later by 10 mins or more I will try to let you know
4. Payment Policy
i) I require payment for lessons (single or multiple) 3 w0rking days before the first lesson via bank transfer. If you do want to pay by cash I require payment for the following lesson at the end of the previous lesson. You must agree to this advance deposit. I will not take cash for the first lesson but will do for subsequent lessons. If you wish to diary more than 2 future lessons I require payment for all those at the time of the booking.
ii) I reserve the right to increase prices of driving lessons at any time and you must consent to this change. If you have paid for a block prices will be honoured
iii) PAYG Cash Payments and Deposits - If you wish to pay for lessons this way you will be required to pay a deposit equivalent to the normal 2 hour lesson price by bank transfer before your first lesson. After this you will be required to pay the cash lesson price at the start of each lesson. I will only use this deposit if you cancel your lesson at short notice (within 48hrs) or you do not have the funds to pay for that lesson. If I am required to use the aforementioned deposit and you still wish to continue lessons with me you will need to make another deposit 48hours before your next lesson and then make a cash payment at the start of the next lesson. I will hold onto your deposit and return it to you after you have passed your driving test or we can use it towards payment or part payment for your test itself. Alternatively if you decide you no longer want me to teach you I will return your deposit to you by bank transfer. You must agree to my policy on cash payments and deposits
iv) Refunding block booking payments - Any unused funds from lessons you no longer require will of course be refunded to you. This refund will be reassessed on my normal hourly lesson price and transferred back to your account within 24 hours of request. You must agree to this recalculation of the used part of the block
5. Cancellations Policy
i) You agree to give me 48 hours notice if you cannot make the lesson. If you do so you will not be charged
ii) You accept that cancelling a lesson with less than 48hours notice will result in you being charged
iii) You agree that I reserve my right to let other more reliable students have your lessons if I feel you are cancelling lessons too many lessons whether you give me the required 48hours notice or not
iv) You agree that I reserve the right to cancel a lesson at short notice as a result of injury, illness, adverse weather, road traffic conditions, mechanical breakdown or urgent family matter. If I do so you will not be charged and you will either be refunded or your lesson rescheduled
v) You accept I have no responsibility for costs incurred to you as a result of me having to cancel your lesson, however you will not be charged and you will either be refunded or your lesson rescheduled
vi) Given the current issues and shortage of test availability as a result of Covid-19 it may now be necessary to cancel your lesson at short notice to accommodate another students test. This because a driving test will always take priority over a lesson. You agree that I have the right to do this. I will inform you as soon as possible and work with you to rearrange your lesson
6. Your Practical Driving Test
i) You accept that It is your responsibility to book your own driving test but if you wish to use my car for the test you must arrange with me that is is actually available on that day/time. Additionally it's important to note that you do not use a driving test for the experience - you take it when you’re ready. You must agree to consult with me and receive confirmation from me that you are indeed ready
ii) You should not ignore the guidelines above and book a practical test without my knowledge or against my advice. If you do so you accept that I no longer have a commitment to provide you with my car for your test
iii) You agree that as your qualified instructor I am best placed to judge your test readiness. If I do not think you are ready for a driving test in terms of either competence or safety you agree to me having the right to refuse your use of my car
iv) You accept that the charge for a driving test is two hours minimum. However depending on what you the student needs on the day or distance from the test centre this may be more ie 2.5 or 3 hours. This will be discussed well before test day
v) You must give the DVSA three working days notice (not including Sundays and Bank Holidays) to cancel a test. Failure to do so will result in you losing your fee
vi) You accept that any uninsured or unrecoverable damage/costs to my car ie wheel or tyre damage that happen during your driving test is your responsibility
vii) You agree that I have zero responsibility if your practical test is cancelled and this includes tests cancelled at very short notice (which unfortunately can happen due to examiner illness etc). This is completely beyond my control. I will apply a 24 hour not the standard 48 hour cancellation policy to this practical test and any lesson immediately before it. Unfortunately I will not be liable for any costs (for example loss of earnings) if your test is cancelled at very short notice ie within 2 hours
viii) If I cannot fulfill my obligation to you on the test day for medical or any other reason I will refund you the price of your test, the price of my vehicle for test and any refresher lesson immediately prior to the test. You agree that I cannot be held responsible for any other costs (for example loss of earnings) if this situation arises
ix) If a driving examiner deems my vehicle unroadworthy I will refund you the price of your test and additionally the price of my vehicle for test
7. Health and Safety / Your responsibilities
When you arrive for your lesson, you must be in a fit state to drive. I reserve the right to stop the lesson at any time if I suspect you to be under the influence of drink or drugs. If you are taking any medication you should check whether it is likely to affect your ability to drive in any way. If at any time I feel that you are not showing the responsible attitude that is necessary to drive safely, I will have to cancel the lesson. I will charge you for that lesson and I reserve the right to cancel any further lessons. For both your comfort and safety you should wear suitable footwear and clothing that does not restrict movement. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the vehicle.You must always be in a fit condition for driving lessons. This is your responsibility. Medicines that may affect your driving will have already been discussed as in Point 3 above but any changes to medication especially in those drugs previously mentioned must be divulged to me immediately. If I have even the remotest suspicion that you are currently affected by either drink or drugs I will immediately abandon the lesson and you will be charged. Your alertness/tiredness is not my responsibility and if I think you are so tired as to affect your driving once again I will cancel the lesson and you will be charged. Attitude is everything when learning to drive. If I don’t think you are displaying the appropriate attitude I will cancel the lesson and you will be charged. You agree that I have the right to immediately cancel a lesson and charge you on the grounds of being affected by drink, drugs, tiredness and poor attitude
For any of the aforementioned reasons for cancelling under point 8 I also reserve my right to cancel any further lessons you have and give them to others who display better and more responsible behaviours.
You agree that you will wear suitable footwear and clothing for your lessons. I’m happy to discuss footwear with you on your first lesson
My car like all driving instruction cars is non smoking
8. The Pandemic / Covid 19
i) I will wear a non-medical mask at all times when in the car with a client. I will always cover my face and nose with a face covering as long as a pupil is in the car. You must also wear a suitable face covering for as long as you are in the car unless medically exempt
ii) I will clean all touch points at the start of every lesson. You accept that this might reduce lesson times slightly
iii) If you are unfortunate enough to have a Covid 19 issue there will not be a lesson cancellation charge
iv) If you develop symptoms or someone you live with does you must inform me and we will cancel the lesson immediately. Lessons will not recommence until you are either negative tested or have followed isolation requirements. I will require to see proof of negative test. As the instructor I am subject to exactly the same responsibilities/requirements
v) If you start to feel ill during the lesson and it is cancelled due to COVID symptoms or anything else the lesson fee will still apply
vi) If I unfortunately develop COVID symptoms during a lesson I will rearrange it to another day/time or if you prefer provide a refund
9. Complaints
I hope that you never have the need to complain but if you do please inform me as soon as possible. This should enable a swift resolution. If between us we cannot solve the issue you have the right to take it further to the ADI registrar
10. Your Statutory Rights
Nothing under these Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights, either as a consumer or otherwise. As an approved driving instructor it is my responsibility to provide a lesson service fit for purpose and as advertised. If unsure about any aspect of your consumer rights please get in touch with your closest council Trading Standards or Citizens Advice Bureau
Last update: January 25th 2022